Salt & Light
It only takes a small spark of hope to ignite courage in the trafficking hubs of Asia. The Eden Outreach team speaks the truth that a new, brighter future is possible and support is available if they dare to dream. This message gave Yuan Yuan the courage and strength to escape the captors who had beaten her into submission for years.
It’s the hope that continues to grow in her heart as she heals at Eden from her physical and mental scars. It’s the power to overcome the early abuse that diminished her self-worth, and instead grow in confidence every day. This collection uses the imagery of salt and light as a metaphor. It speaks of the hope that is created when we stand together and commit to bring love and empowerment to women like Yuan Yuan.
Each of us can bring light into dark places by speaking up for those without a voice and working toward a world where no one is bought or sold. We hope you will wear the Salt & Light Collection as a reminder that even the tiniest pinprick of light can overcome the darkest places.