We couldn’t do this work without the significant time and resources our volunteers so selflessly give to our organization.
The easiest way to get involved is to sign up for Eden’s newsletter. Receive updates about Eden’s frontline work, new jewelry releases, and upcoming sales and events. Plus you’ll get a special discount on your next purchase. Then, simply share the news you get in your inbox with your friends!
Connect with us
Join the Eden community on social media @thisisedenus for inspiring stories, jewelry styling ideas, latest releases, and more.
Share Eden on social media
Post a pic of you wearing your favorite pieces – be sure to tag us! Don’t own Eden jewelry yet? Simply share your favorite story of hope from our website, give us a shoutout to your friends, or write a post about Eden on your blog. Every little bit helps!
Tell your favorite store about us
We’re always looking for more Eden stockists. Please tell your favorite shop about Eden and drop us a line with store contact info and we’ll get in touch!