Eden is dedicated to the transformation of entire red light districts and everyone living in them. For this to happen in our lifetime, we must love trafficking victims and the pimps who keep them captive just as powerfully.
One night, a cycle carrier overheard a team member teaching about HIV risks. He stopped transporting girls to and from customers to ask questions about whether he could be infected. Soon, this tattooed, tough young man was vulnerably sharing how much he missed his mother’s love after her recent remarriage.
We spoke words of love to him and encouraged him to dream about his future and purpose in life. Building relationships with pimps and others who work in trafficking hubs helps us access the women who need an escape plan and our message of hope.
We work to educate these men about trafficking and share other kinds of work they could do. This is how we transform entire communities. Our hope is that our Men’s Collection will inspire you to share the possibility of transformation and use your voice to seek justice for those who are still captive.