Leaves of Commitment
Leaves of Commitment
To continue the fight for justice takes commitment, determination, and sustainable practices. At Eden, we have been committed to the task of fighting human trafficking, no matter the cost, for 20 years. Throughout this journey, over time, it has become apparent that there are six foundational pillars, or core principles, that have been vital in the work of Eden. These pillars stand as guideposts, representing the comprehensive components that Eden offers through our programs, partnerships, and training. Eden’s unwavering commitment to press on and persevere, standing firm in what we know is essential for freedom has led to the transformation of countless lives and futures. Each of the Leaves of Commitment pieces symbolizes one of Eden’s core principles.
Leaf of Giving
Giving is where Eden has always begun. For the last 20 years, Eden’s outreach teams have intentionally walked into the darkest and most hidden communities, with a clear purpose to give. Giving in outreach begins with the first step of presenting gifts to both the women and girls as well as to the brothel owners or pimps. Our outreach teams also extend the message of hope and freedom, a gift of an alternative reality far away from the pain and trauma experienced when bound by the chains of trafficking. As with the Leaf of Giving Earrings, our gift is simple and powerful, with the potential to change lives and bring hope.

Leaf of Refuge
The Eden Drop-in centers and emergency shelters offer refuge in the midst of danger and distress. A place of safety, peace, and rest is vital for the restoration of survivors and victims of human trafficking. Eden’s refuges bring light, and we continue to believe that there is comfort and power in creating a safe space to hold the light, one that can easily be found and accessed even in the darkest of places. The leaf-shaped inner segment of these elegant earrings represents the inner place of refuge that every woman and girl experiences when they come into an Eden center.

Leaf of Creativity
Creativity stands in stark contrast to living in survival, fear, and with no hope for the future. Over the last 20 years, Eden has seen creativity give life to joy and resilience, problem-solving, and peace in the lives of vulnerable women. The three bands of turquoise, blue, and gold that make up the Leaf of Creativity bracelet represent the three areas of creative therapies offered by Eden, Movement, Art, and Music. As we seek to continue to pivot and innovate our programs to meet the ever-changing needs of the women and girls we support, we must be creative in our approach. From Mask production during the pandemic, to broadening the scope of our work to producing nutritious microgreens, we are always seeking to find creative solutions in everything we do.

Leaf of Learning
Eden understands that education and vocational training are essential elements of freedom and hope and building a brighter future for individuals, families, and communities. As women and girls walk through our doors, they begin to learn to trust again, they learn to reach out in hope, and they learn ways to heal and to start afresh. From learning aspects of the jewelry business, (designing, making, and selling) or choosing to pursue training in another chosen profession, we have seen women and girls begin to thrive and flourish, once again growing their dream for a future and for economic empowerment and stability.

Leaf of Awareness
Awareness is a central pillar underpinning the work of Eden. Awareness and education regarding the perils of trafficking are essential in preventing trafficking vulnerability. Eden’s approach has included community meetings targeting vulnerable areas, holding education sessions in various settings, and using every means to tell the stories of trafficking experiences with the goal of prevention. Eden’s jewelry holds the stories of moving from trafficking and despair to healing and building a future full of hope and freedom. The stories are shared and re-told to those who purchase or gift the stunning hand-made jewelry pieces, further promoting awareness and understanding about trafficking and the layers of this crime. More recently, Eden has been involved in creating awareness and prevention around the ever-growing trafficking connected to the online scam industry, targeting vulnerable people and holding them captive, whilst forcing them to be involved in illegal scamming.

Leaf of Healing
Eden’s approach to healing is holistic, offering therapies and treatment for traumatized minds, bodies, and souls.. Often, when women first arrive in our centers, medical care and treatment are a priority, from nutritional deficits to HIV/AIDS and other necessary treatments. Foundational to the work of Eden is our trauma-informed counseling and therapies. We have trained many new counselors to offer treatment and to minister to the needs of vulnerable women and girls. Healing comes from every interaction in our safe houses, our drop-in centers, and in the therapy offered for the traumas endured.
This leaf of healing necklace represents the new life that comes when healing is in process, the clay base representing a strong foundation for this healing journey.